Friday, November 22, 2013

A Cast of Change

You know that moment when you sit down with a new ball of yarn, and you have your favorite needles in hand all ready to cast on for a new project? I LOVE that moment. Because in that moment this project, THIS project, is going to be the game changer. I will make no mistakes. I will forever be in love with this project. I will CHANGE LIVES with this project.

For five seconds.

And then I realize I have to cast on 96 stitches. And by the 23rd cast on stitch I'm all like "Peace out, bitches". Seriously? Seriously! It seems a ridiculous thing since there is SO much more to knitting than the cast on but it's one thing that super bums me out.

Ok, but for reals, this post was meant to be about my excitement over a new yarn I have started to use. And pretty much how it's changing my life.

So, two nights ago I sat down to cast on for a new project and for a second I was like "Ok, deep breath... 96 stitches. You can DO this". And by the 23rd stitch I wasn't all bummed out. I was so excited because the yarn was springy, and fun. It wasn't splitty but it wasn't so tightly twisted that it was a pain to work with.

And then it happened. I got to knit the first row after casting on and that it was it. I was a goner. The stitch definition was amazeballs. My stitches were even and crisp, despite my knitting in K2,P2 which normally looks disastrous. And when I got to round 7 of my ribbing I almost called my husband to come see how awesome the ribbing looked. Everything was even. Everything was sharp. But, guys who don't knit just don't get it so I didn't bother. But I totally took a picture of the glory.

Ok, now you wanna know who's responsible for all this magic, right? BOOM!

Look at that wooly little sheep - cheeky little thing sticking her tongue out, just asking to be knit up. Well I did. And I lurve it. 

OK, I realize this turned into a random un-paid for plug for Ewe Ewe Yarns but c'mon, when I get excited about a new yarn I just gotta crow! I guess it stems from a few years of using cheap yarns because I didn't know any better. I have a few in my bag that I will order over and over again but I'm still learning so much that so many times when I order yarn for a pattern in a magazine it's for the first time. So there's lots of excitement in my life, I guess. 

Anyway. Go. Buy it now. Love it. Fondle it. Knit it up! 

M. Out.

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