Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hellooooooooo 2014!

Alrighty roo... so we're already 23 days into 2014 and I have 4 FO's already. Kinda pumped. None of them are big projects, for sure, but now I have 3 more pairs of socks than I left the previous year with. And oh-so-many more on the way. Hmm... maybe I knit too much? Pfffft. Yeah. Right!

So what does this year look like for knitting? Believe it or not I actually do have a bit of a plan mapped out (I say sheepishly after recently scoffing at people on Ravelry who already had mapped out their 14 projects for 2014). Yeah... now I'm one of them apparently.

  1. Jan 23 (yeah that's tonight) - I'm starting the Socks on a Plane KAL (#soapkal) hosted by @lynaiyarns (and HERE is her fabulous line of yarns) 
  2. Jan 24 - write up patterns for two pairs of socks and a wristlet
  3. Jan 25 - start writing pattern/knitting sample of my VERY FIRST SWEATER (already picked up by a local yarn company... more on that later)
  4. Feb 1 - #mysterysockclub2014 pair of socks will get on the needles. Depending on the yarn I pull it may be another unique design.
  5. Feb 13 - traveling to Arizona to visit friends so another new pair of socks for one Miss @katknits  who won a drawing on my Instagram feed (also a pair for @catscoffeecupcakesandcarrie who WAS the 300th follower). What can I say? I believe in paying it forward.
  6. Mar 1 -  #mysterysockclub2014 (started by @sockbunny)pair of socks will get on the needles. Perhaps you see a trend? The plan is one pair of socks for the first of each month. I've got all the yarn already stashed away in brown paper bags which my husband selects for me on the first of each month.
  7. Mar 1 (yep, a twofur that day) - start hosting a KAL with an IG friend. Definitely more details coming on this soon. Working out some specs now.
  8. Mar 15 - Surprise Projects (I won't post here what they are in case the recipients read this) for two lovely ladies from IG who are participating in a Pay It Forward campaign. Basically I make them something and in turn they make something for someone else. It has to be homemade. Mine, obvi, will be knit.
And it continues... and continues. There's definitely going to be at least 8 more pairs of socks since there will be one for each month. Plus I'm lucky enough to be in the Tanis Fiber Arts Year in Color Club which I just received the yarn and pattern for. It's OMG delicious. And guess what? More. Socks! I'm going to share the photo with you just to make you jelly. 

Totes stole this image from RoseHiver on Ravelry

Also, there will be some knitting in Scotland. The Hubbs and I are traveling there for two weeks this year and there WILL be some knitting in a sunroom overlooking the loch with a dram (or three) of whisky to keep me warm. For serious... can I just get on the plane now?

And I forgot to mention the best part. Next month, I'll be guest hosting a KAL on the Ewe Ewe Yarns blog. We're doing a quickie for Valentine's day. Get it? A Quickie?! No? Yeah. You get it. 

Alright, gotta get back to some test knitting I'm doing for another lovely IG friend - a great little beanie project. When they go live on her site (Pick & Throw) I'll let you all know.

What are you still doing here? Go knit something. It's better for your eyes anyway. 

1 comment:

  1. Is there an initializations lookup table? IG? FO? KAL is "Knit Along", but really it is "Knit A Long" which I don't think is the same thing.

    Great post. Lots of exciting projects for the first quarter of the year.
