Saturday, February 1, 2014

Snap Chat!

No, not the app, though I've heard it's fun.

I'm here to talk about pictures. Or rather my pictures. And maybe other peoples' pictures but only generally. I don't like to point fingers at people unless I have their permission. Pfft... right.

Before I was a consultant, and a knitting fiend, I was a Wedding Planner. And before you get the urge to ask, it's NOTHING like the movie. No pencil skirts and high heels for wedding planners. I kid you not, I have waved goodbye to the FOB (that's Father of the Bride in wedding lingo) who literally had his "thingie" in his hands as he peed in the bush and said "See ya soon". I have blown a flower girls nose with the hem of my blazer. I have unplugged toilets. By hand. With no gloves. That shit is real.

Anyway, being in the wedding industry I believe I became somewhat of a photo snob. I spent a lot of time talking to photographers, looking at their work, and learning why a) they charge what they do and b) why just a fancy camera doesn't make a person a good photographer. There's no doubt that quality equipment will give you a better quality of image but that's only if the operator is as good as their equipment.

I am NOT a good photographer. Am I better than the Hubbs? Yes. Times infinity. But am I "good"? Nope. Noperoonie. I'm adequate. 9 times out of ten I can get an image that isn't blurry. I can usually zoom in close enough with the iPhone so that the details I want to focus on are in focus. But that's about where the skills end. So, to give myself a leg up in the blogging world I decided to invest in a few little gizmos. I had the guy that pays for this party (aka.: my husband) build me a simple white box. I wouldn't call it a light box specifically since no light shines through the side but I'll call it a white "reflective" box. The sun bounces around in it fairly nicely to the naked eye and thus I feel better about potential to take a quality shot.

I also got a tripod and dug out my old point-and-shoot so not everything is on my iPhone (who's storage is about at max capacity) and so I can make some decent edits. Google much? Yep... that's my favorite place to go to learn something new, too.

So here are a couple before and afters that made me go "ooooOOOOOOoooooh".

I like what I'm seeing. Don't kid yourself. These images aren't because I'm a good photographer. It's 'cuz I'm a Photoshop hack. :) Thankfully, though, one can't fake good knitting. So, the images you see henceforth might be doctored, but the knitting will be legit. Promise.

Ok, that's it. Just had to share 'cuz I feel like a bit of a rockstar. Have a great weekend and enjoy your Superbowl watching. I'll be camped out with my Socks on a Plane because they WILL be a FO this weekend... 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Meaghan, it's fun reading your posts. You're having a great time with your needles and yarn! I like knitting too. Last winter I made Jen a pair of fingerless gloves in purple with a cable stitch. Loved doing it. I'm not a great finisher like my Mom was...she was an award winning knitter. I, on the other hand, have trouble reading patterns. It's a language all its own! So I'm more into card making...that's my little hobby. I wish you great good luck with your endeavours and sending hugs from Calgary!
