Monday, February 24, 2014

The Heliopath Vest KAL - Prize Announcements

There's no doubt we all love to knit. But to knit and get FREE STUFF?! Heck yeah!

When GhostFaceKnitter and I announced the Heliopath Vest KAL coming up on March 1st we told you there would be a prize from the Black Market Wool shop. And here it is... Rijel calls it Just. Perfect. And it sure is. I love the colors in the yarn. I'm kinda sad I'm not eligible to win this...

But I have more good news! We have ANOTHER prize for you. A yarny prize. A yarny-patterny-goodness prize. Heather over at Ewe Ewe Yarns has offered us 2 skeins of her Wooly Worsted in Saffron and a copy of her Angel Food Cake Cowl to go along with it. For. Serious.

Our Heliopath Vest KAL starts this coming Saturday March 1st. Trust me when I say you want to get in on this. And if you've already planned to join us, keep us apprised of your work by using #heliopathkal, following us on Instagram (@SoCalMeaghan and @GhostFaceKnitter) or posting along with us in our Ravelry discussion board. 

Keep in mind, to be eligible for a prize you need to finish your Vest (and post images... not blocked is ok, but ends woven in) by 11:59pm PST on Saturday, April 12th (that's the night before Easter). Use the tags above or post the image on Instagram to be entered. 

We can't wait to have you join us!


  1. Ah hell... Is it? LOL. Well... Either way you'll know if you win the prize and you'll have a finished vest in time for Easter regardless of what day it is!
