Saturday, March 29, 2014

Heliopath Vest KAL - Week 5 - Shaping

I can hardly believe another week has gone by on this lovely little vest. I feel like I'm drowning in cables. Or I thought I WAS drowning in cables until I received a video from Rijel over at Pick & Throw showing me how to cable without a cable needle. And now my life is so much better. If you've not yet learned this little trick I recommend you check it out.

Now, does that mean I'm on schedule? Uh... no. But I'm close! Which reminds me that my 5th grade teacher, Miss Hanrahan (lovingly referred to as Miss Hammerhead... gods she was an unhappy woman) who always said "Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades". Wow... tough words for 11 year olds to absorb. So, am I on schedule, I ask again? No. And I hang my head in shame to admit it because honestly, as the co-host, I should be ON this. But I'm not. But I am really, really close.

I have two inches left to go... and that is about 15 rows for me. So I'll get to it today I hope. But we have guests coming for dinner and I'm making fish and chips (from scratch) and I have to wash my hair today and that takes FOREVER! Plus, the Hubbs probably wants to hang out or some crap so I'll have to make time for that... kidding. I dig that guy so it's easy to make time. 

Also, it's my Mum's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MUM! I forgot to send a card and she's out traveling in Vancouver so I likely won't get to call, either. Soooo... that's an awkward confession. But I still love you, Mum, and I'm thinking about you. I'll do better next year. 

But let's discuss what's happening as far as the next step of the vest. Actually, before I get there, let's get pumped. Folks are still plugging away and I'm SO EXCITED to see what everyone looks like in their FO's. I think these last two weeks were hard as far as staying motivated because it's 14" of the same thing but look how awesome they all look:

@kenzie_emery (also my favorite two guys to knit with... mmmmmm)

We're all at different stages in the game this week but if we put on a push these next two weeks we'll still be done on time. Who's with me? I can't hear you... WHO'S WITH ME? 

OH, wait, this is a computer and we're not on Skype so of course I can't hear you. I hope you're on the other side cheering and fist bumping your needles saying "I can do it!!!!".

Ok, so shaping the armholes. There was a question on the Ravelry discussion about the dropped stitches vs. bind offs. Thankfully @seaandlake (Alicia) was able to do some digging and found the answer on Emma Welford's blog in the comments. So if you've had questions regarding binding off with a dropped stitch, here's the dealio right from the horses mouth (albeit Miss Emma looks nothing like a horse and is quite cute to boot):
This comes into play when binding off or decreasing stitches for the armholes, armhole shaping and neckline/neckline shaping. You’ll probably first run into it when binding off sts at the underarm, but the stitch pattern falls different depending on the size. So say you’re binding off 5 sts for the underarm and the 2nd stitch is one designated in the chart as a drop stitch. You would BO the 1st stitch normally, then drop the 2nd st off the needle and let it unravel to the hem–instead of panicking and picking it back up as you usually would when dropping a stitch! That 2nd stitch DOES count towards the number of sts you need to bind off, so in this scenario you would BO as usual the next 3 sts for a total of 5 BO sts at the underarm. If this occurs when decreasing sts rather than binding off, drop the st when you come to it and do your best to make your decreases and the stitch pattern fit around it–just remember that the dropped stitch is missing from the stitch count so if you only need to decrease 1 st and it coincides with a dropped st, you won’t actually need to do the decrease there as the dropped st will have taken care of that for you.
I'm not here yet but I'm glad to have the answer when I get there... later today. Which WILL happen. If I stay positive it WILL happen. Right?

So once you work your bind offs and drop your stitches, you're now working only parts of the vest at a time. @thecraftydarling's photo was a perfect example of how that looks. As you finish each section, the left front being the first, you'll place those live stitches on a stitch holder or piece of waste yarn and set it aside. 

Then you'll move onto the center set of stitches for the back, working independently of the left front section, and with the WS facing you'll start the same sort of system again. You'll work over JUST the back stitches (between the BO's for the left front and right front sections) with a new piece of yarn. It does mean that there will be some ends to weave in at the end but there aren't that many. 

You'll repeat the same for the right front section and by the time you're done that you'll have 4 cable needles of waste yarn holders with your live stitches on them: right front, right back, left front and left back. And that will be our discussion for next week. From then it's super easy. We'll use the 3-needle bind off, which is really fun, and get to finishing. 

Have you all got your buttons chosen yet? I ordered mine and they arrived and now I can't remember where I put them so I'll have to dig them out to share with you next week.

If you have any questions about the steps for this week please feel free to leave comments in the Ravelry discussion board or on here and we'll get them sorted out. Keep up the good work ladies - we're almost done and then it's PRIZE TIME BABY! Please keep posting your work on Instagram using #heliopathkal or in our Heliopath Kal Ravelry discussion board, and tagging me, @socalmeaghan, and my good buddy @ghostfaceknitter.

Keep in mind, to be eligible for a prize, you need to finish your Vest (and post images... not blocked is ok, but ends woven in) by 11:59 PST on Saturday, April 12th. Use the tags above on Instagram or post to the discussion board.  

Happy Knitting (and cabling)!!!

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